If you want your Otter Waiver account to automatically reload with credits before you run out, you can set an automatic payment reload trigger. We recommend using the auto reload option to help prevent your documents from being suspended for zero or negative balance. This guide explains how to set and remove reload triggers.
Notification Triggers
All Otter Waiver accounts have a default notification trigger for when your balance drops to 100 credits. When your account hits that number, we'll send a notification to your email address advising you that your balance is low.
The notification trigger is meant as a reminder to reload your project balance and prevent it from hitting zero (or negative), and being suspended. Setting an auto reload trigger for $10 - the lowest level we offer - should prevent you from seeing the notification trigger in most cases.
To add a custom balance notification trigger instead of using the default 100 credits, please contact Support.
Set a Reload Trigger
- Access the Billing Overview page on your Otter Dashboard after logging in to the Otter website.
- Click Enable auto recharge.
- Click the Auto Reload switch to show "Enabled."
- Add payment method.
Note: To use a select option that has been previously saved on this project, click Select Payment Method, and then skip to Step 6. - Fill in your credit card information.
- Adjust the "Amount of credits to auto reload" and "Reload when balance falls below" options as desired, and then click Save.
Remove a Reload Trigger
- Access the Billing Overview page on your Otter Dashboard after logging in to the Otter website.
- Click Edit auto reload settings.
- Click the Auto Recharge switch from "Enabled" to "Disabled."
- Click Save.
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