Disclaimer: Lawyers and insurance companies have audited our waiver system, which fully complies with all esign guidelines. If you are either and want to perform an audit please email us at support@otterwaiver.com
The user experience (UX) we provide, which includes an easy scroll-to-sign feature, is a standard practice in the esign world. This feature allows users to locate the signature area by scrolling quickly and ensures they can review the document, scroll up or down, print it if needed, and then proceed with signing. Users can even scroll before they click the "Agree" button.
We did not have the easy scroll feature in 2020. As a result, many signers mistakenly assumed that the document was completed when they clicked "Agree." This led to significant confusion and required waivers to be redone for various outfits and ranges. Implementing the easy scroll feature has effectively resolved this issue by prompting users to scroll down and ensure they sign where necessary.
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